More About Abortion PTSD

It is important that you begin to learn more about how abortion could have impacted your life. The blogs below offer many different perspectives about Abortion PTSD. Please take the time to review this information and feel free to contact our team for any reason for assistance.
Immediately After Abortion

Immediately After Abortion

As someone who chose abortion in my teen years, I understand the various emotions that many experience immediately after abortion. At that time, there were no resources to help me understand the emotions that followed that choice. For those of you who have recently...

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8 Common Triggers of After Abortion Pain

8 Common Triggers of After Abortion Pain

For those experiencing Abortion PTSD, it is normal for sights, sounds, smells and even feelings they encountered during the time of their abortion decision to ignite memories they are working to forget. These triggers can then initiate emotional, psychological,...

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Strategies to Tame After Abortion Triggers

Strategies to Tame After Abortion Triggers

“It’s my baby’s due date next week, Sydna,” the writer outlined. “How do I cope with this reminder each and every year for the rest of my life?” Triggers of Abortion PTSD often arrive unexpectedly, activating a deep and forgotten pain. Since many post-abortive people...

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8 Reasons Post-Abortive Women Cannot be Surveyed

8 Reasons Post-Abortive Women Cannot be Surveyed

Imagine receiving a telephone call from a survey company who asks, “Has anyone in your home experienced abortion?” If you are post-abortive, would you answer affirmatively? Likely not! Women are typically hesitant to reveal they have made this choice to friends and...

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8 Lies of Abortion

8 Lies of Abortion

Abortion seemed like a lie worth believing when I discovered my unplanned pregnancy in my local Planned Parenthood office at 19 years of age. The falsehoods Planned Parenthood sold to me that day would reverberate in my life forever. Sadly, I bought their well...

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Hello, I am Sydna Massé Founder and CEO of Ramah International. I'd love to keep in touch and include you in our prayer chain as we continue to serve abortion's wounded and those considering abortion.

Abortion Recovery

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