Module 9 Healing Activities

Sharing the secret of an abortion is perhaps the most powerful tool in stopping abortion from devastating lives. The post-abortive are still a small voice in this battle but the potential for victory from sharing our abortion stories is overwhelming – especially in speaking directly with the abortion-minded.  The myth that abortion is “good” for women can be dispelled by the voices of those who have endured an abortion choice.  The potential for regret is one of the main fears of those considering an abortion. When the post-abortive share their stories with the abortion-minded, many reconsider and continue their pregnancies.

Journal your thoughts about who God is leading you to share this secret with and why. If you feel afraid or scared of confession, understand those feelings are normal. Remember that God knows your secret and will help you in anything He is leading you to do, even confession. Pray and seek His direction and His leading will be obvious and clear.