Module 4 Healing Activities

Anger that is allowed to take root in our hearts grows deep roots of bitterness. Pause now to begin probing your angry feelings. Begin by completing this module’s healing activity – Naming Your Angry Roots.

Ask God to help you identify who and what you’re angry about. Then begin writing those letters you’ll never send. Perhaps you’ll write one, or more. Perhaps days or weeks from now you’ll want to write more.

Don’t expect the release of anger to come all at once. Give yourself time to pray, reflect, and release the anger. The healing will come in time.

Our team is always available to help you in any way.  Feel free to contact us at any time during your healing journey!

4.1 Writing Letters You Never Send

Make a list of any names that initiate anger in your heart relating to your abortion. These may be people that you don’t know – like the media, instructors, celebrities, etc. – that promoted abortion as a good choice.

After the list seems complete, take the time to write something to each name. This is not something that you will send to them.

The purpose of this activity is to record your emotions towards them to help reveal more about your anger. If you can understand why they make you angry, it’s easier to find forgiveness for them.

Again, do not send any of these letters. Record them in your journal and we will address this list in the next module.

Ask God to allow the light of His Spirit to surround your memories and shine a light on them for deeper healing.

4.2 Name Your Angry Roots

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Anger that is allowed to take root in our hearts grows deep roots of bitterness that need to eliminated for healing to take place. This activity helps you identify those you are angry with and begin the process of healing those areas of our heart.

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