4 Stages of After Abortion Sadness

4 Stages of After Abortion Sadness

“I’ve never felt so sad in my whole life, Sydna,” a post-abortive woman shared.  “My child has been gone for 25 years.  Why did it take so long for grief to hit my heart?” It is normal for human beings to avoid or deny sad feelings.  Few actively embrace sorrow after...
I Can Hear You

I Can Hear You

The caller shouted in my ear, “How dare she compare her loss to my miscarriage. After all, she MURDERED her child!” No one had ever attacked me in such a way during a radio interview. The conversation up until that point with the show’s host and the director of the...
Survivor’s Guilt After Abortion

Survivor’s Guilt After Abortion

“Sydna, I wouldn’t change my life now,” the young mother wrote. “I can’t imagine life without my children today. If I had not chosen abortion, I may very well not have the kids I have or be where I am right now. That gives me immense guilt because I enjoy my life...